“Neuro expands your brain, your mind, and your creativity in ways that reading a book or even taking an acting class just could never do.”
Camille Guaty
Known for: Prison Break, Daytime Divas, Las Vegas, and upcoming JJ Abrams new series Duster
“When first approached with the idea of Neuro Skills training, I remember thinking, how could this program help me? I’m an actor, not an athlete. But I decided to give the Neuro Skills program a chance, because I believed in Nathan Biddulph, as a person. He is both brilliant and insightful, and I trusted his instincts. Then, within our first session, I was completely blown away when confronted by a simple element which he could see missing from my auditions... This has fundamentally changed my approach to acting. I’m now a believer that Neuro Skills are for everyone. It can beneficially be applied to any discipline. Thank you, Nathan.”
Sean Summers
“I booked my first ever national on-going ad campaign during my first twelve weeks of Neuro Skills training. I've noticed that my subconscious mind is uncovering elements of the script that I hadn't had the time to study. So even in a cold read I'm now better able to react in character with only a quick single read through the script. I certainly feel more confident in my ability to think on my feet, but I had a lot of confidence before this. So it's significant because I didn't think I had more confidence to gain (I've been acting or teaching acting most of my life). The daily practice has given me a renewed sense of excitement and energy around my craft and career. It has awakened the intangible within me!”
Jenna Melissa Wilcox
“I booked my first national commercial in my first twelve weeks of Neuro Skills training. The biggest thing is that this program opens up your mind. I used to get caught in details that weren't necessary. I can now pick up the gist of the scene or performance a lot faster. My focus and memory have improved. Recently I did a table read with some high profile names, had limited time to prepare, and was able to sync in pretty well.”
Orion Carrington
“Neuro training has been an incredible gift, at the perfect time! It has been said that being an actor is about becoming a more complete human, and that’s what Neuro has helped me with. I like to call it the funnel & vacuum... the funnel atop my head has opened and is “vacuuming” into my being: precision, understanding and a new drive! Nathan’s gift of tailoring the program to each individual is unmatched, anywhere. In both my life and more importantly, my acting career, I am more present, able to respond and change directions very quickly, and anticipate and feel change, before it manifests. Memorization skills have boosted, and I’m learning subtle styles and trends within the industry, I had never observed before. Neuro is helping me with the disciplines I always “hoped for”, and more importantly, the actual drive and momentum I was unable to create for myself, despite my best “pre-Neuro” efforts. Anyone that is really serious about seeing their success unfold, should absolutely get into Neuro training!”
Shilah Hipps
“The Neuro workouts have raised my focus and applied my concentration. I feel like they also made me process faster than I had been. Not only did I notice that I was visibly sharper with my replies, but my girlfriend also noticed it in just ONE week. My raised concentration is pivotal to acting; it has made me more connected to my characters and roles. Three different acting coaches told me that I was turning over a new leaf, and that whatever I'm doing – I need to keep doing it!”
Roderick Smith, Jr.
“Since starting Neuro training I've booked 4 commercials, a co-star role, and an independent film. With Neuro I've found a specific and consistent way to train and develop my brain for maximum effectiveness. By making connections and strengthening those connections through various techniques and exercises – my mind, body and soul benefit from each area of development. I'm building muscles on muscles in the brain that also build my body and physical skills.”
Francis Lansang
“Nathan has helped me develop new skills that have enhanced my acting abilities. I know that I have deeper wells of creativity that are more easily accessed. The results have been undeniable. My auditions are much freer and my callback and booking rates have skyrocketed. I just shot a national commercial for a car company. The set was chaotic and tense, but because of my Neuro training, I maintained a level of confidence and calmness that allowed me to operate at a level I wouldn’t have prior to Nathan’s coaching.”